Explore our Wall Carpets collection at Mada Carpets, where tradition and artistic allure converge in every intricate design.  Our Wall Carpets transcend mere ornamentation, embodying a commitment to quality craftsmanship and a harmonious fusion of tradition with contemporary aesthetics.

In this captivating range, discover a symphony of colors, intricate patterns, and thoughtful details meticulously crafted to transform every space into a visual masterpiece. Tailor-made designs, images, or written patterns, including a special hanging area, showcase Mada Carpets’ manufacturing capabilities.

Each Wall Carpet stands as a testament to our unwavering dedication to infusing captivating and elegant touches into your surroundings.

Product Inspiration

Year of Camel

Celebrating Saudi heritage, this design is inspired by the Camel Year symbolize resilience and adaptability.


Inspired by Kiswat Al Kaaba, this carpet elegantly blends spirituality and symbolism with its deep black hue, golden embroidery, and luxurious silk.


Reflecting the spiritual journey, this design captures Makkah’s beauty with motifs from the Kaaba and Haram, creating pieces of profound significance.